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Spellbound, also known as SuriSuri (수리수리), is a repackage of TVXQ!'s seventh Korean full-length album Tense. It was released on February 27, 2014 with the song "Spellbound" serving as the album's title track.

Track list[]

  1. "Spellbound (수리수리)" - 4:31
  2. "Ten (10 Years)" - 3:12
  3. "Something" - 4:01
  4. "Your Man (너의 남자)" - 3:07
  5. "Moonlight Fantasy (오늘밤)" - 3:35
  6. "Beside (그 대신 내가)" - 3:45
  7. "Double Trouble" - 3:44
  8. "Off Road" (Korean ver. of "Runnin' On Empty") - 3:32
  9. "Heaven's Day" (Max Changmin solo) - 3:43
  10. "Smoky Heart (갈증)" - 3:32
  11. "Steppin' (뒷모습)" - 3:11
  12. "Rise..." - 4:40
  13. "November With Love (11월...그리고)" (U-Know Yunho solo) - 4:43
  14. "Always With You (항상 곁에 있을게)" - 3:55


Video links[]
